Are you missing out on alternate ways of breathing?

In my previous post, I gave briefly only two examples of breathing techniques: one basic, with which you simply observe your breathing pattern; and “nadi shodhana” translated from Sanskrit as the channel-cleaning breath and which I mentioned as being one of my favorite. But there is much more to breathing techniques than just those two which is why I decided to expand on this detail and make it the topic of my second blog post. Being a yogini, I owe much of what I am writing about in this post to the yoga tradition, which has taught me the tool of pranayama among many other things that I consider blessings in my life and for which I am joyfully grateful. As I previously explained, the Sanskrit term “pranayama” means control or extension of breath which is the source of our life force. According to yoga tradition, certain breathing practices induce calmness and relaxation whereas others are invigorating and arousing. Overall, these practices are intended for optimum hea...