
Biohacking with Binaural Beats Therapy

Yes, I am a huge proponent of this groundbreaking soundwave therapy, as I have tried it myself a couple of times to treat insomnia when it struck. Every single time it worked like magic.  Binaural beats is to be auditorily consumed for different purposes and preferably—for efficacy—with stereo headphones. What is binaural beats therapy and how does it work? The reason why you will need headphones is because the main trick of binaural beats is that it sends two different frequencies (sounds), one to each ear, which the brain then detects phase differences between these signals, producing a sensation of a third “beat”. The word binaural means "having or relating to two ears."  The binaural beat is perceived as a fluctuation rhythm at the frequency of the difference between the two auditory inputs. For example, if the right ear detects a tone at 200 Hz and the left at 210 Hz, the binaural beat heard is the difference between the two frequencies — 10 Hz. For this to w...

The power of your subconscious mind

                  “If a man devotes himself to the instructions of his own unconscious, it can bestow this gift [of renewal], so that suddenly life, which has been stale and dull,  turns into a rich unending inner adventure,  full of creative possibilities.”   -- Marie-Louise von Franz Did you know that during deep sleep our subconscious mind is wide awake and may be performing one of the most sought for tasks: problem-solving issues unresolved yet by the conscious mind? So consciously making an effort to remember our dreams can give us access to those solutions.  In fact, as opposed to the subconscious mind, the conscious mind makes up around 5% of the brain power as the sole purpose of interacting with the physical world. The remaining 95% of the brain power is reserved to the subconscious mind which handles everything from breathing to eating, talking, etc. Consider it as the software that runs your p...

Mudras, Daily Life Habits, Postures and more!

Image Today’s post is host to hyperlink products finely selected in continuation to and departure from the previous topics aka meditation and pranayama. To finish with the meditation toolbox, here are two links recapitulating  exquisitely  everything you need to know about meditation postures and mudras (hand gestures): On meditation postures:       On mudras: Do you have daily life habits? What are they?   Here are 10 brilliant daily life habits worth check out and implementing if you haven't done so already. (Please share your daily life habits with us in the comment section!) For film and art history lovers, here’s a cool 6 minute video on Ev...

Are you missing out on alternate ways of breathing?

In my previous post, I gave briefly only two examples of breathing techniques: one basic, with which you simply observe your breathing pattern; and “nadi shodhana” translated from Sanskrit as the channel-cleaning breath and which I mentioned as being one of my favorite. But there is much more to breathing techniques than just those two which is why I decided to expand on this detail and make it the topic of my second blog post. Being a yogini, I owe much of what I am writing about in this post to the yoga tradition, which has taught me the tool of pranayama among many other things that I consider blessings in my life and for which I am joyfully grateful. As I previously explained, the Sanskrit term “pranayama” means control or extension of breath which is the source of our life force. According to yoga tradition, certain breathing practices induce calmness and relaxation whereas others are invigorating and arousing. Overall, these practices are intended for optimum hea...