Biohacking with Binaural Beats Therapy

Yes, I am a huge proponent of this groundbreaking soundwave therapy, as I have tried it myself a couple of times to treat insomnia when it struck. Every single time it worked like
magic. Binaural beats is to be auditorily consumed for different purposes and preferably—for efficacy—with stereo headphones.
What is binaural beats therapy and how does it work?
The reason why you will
need headphones is because the main trick of binaural beats is that it sends
two different frequencies (sounds), one to each ear, which the brain then
detects phase differences between these signals, producing a sensation of a third
“beat”. The word binaural means "having or relating to two ears." The binaural beat is perceived as a fluctuation rhythm at the
frequency of the difference between the two auditory inputs. For example, if
the right ear detects a tone at 200 Hz and the left at 210 Hz, the binaural
beat heard is the difference between the two frequencies — 10 Hz. For this to work as it should, you will imperatively need stereo headphones.
According to researchers, when a person listens to binaural beats for a recommended time, their levels of arousal change. These changes occur because the binaural beats activate specific systems in the brain. An electroencephalogram (EEG) that recorded the electrical brain activity of people listening to binaural beats showed that the effect on a person's body varied according to the frequency pattern used.
According to researchers, when a person listens to binaural beats for a recommended time, their levels of arousal change. These changes occur because the binaural beats activate specific systems in the brain. An electroencephalogram (EEG) that recorded the electrical brain activity of people listening to binaural beats showed that the effect on a person's body varied according to the frequency pattern used.
There are five brainwaves
identified. These brainwaves operate alternately to make sure the brain is awake
and alert and in situations that require our focus, and dreamy and peaceful
when doing meditation or restorative activities. The problem arises when the
brain becomes foggy when you need to concentrate and super alert when you have
to sleep.
Here is an illustration of the five known categories of brain frequency pattern:
Gamma (highest frequency): insight and expanded consciousness. These are
the most ‘high vibe’ waves used to concentrate, learn new information and store
memories. Any cognitive functions are done using these brainwaves.
They are also
used to hyper-focus by musicians and Zen masters during meditation. Too much gamma
waves can lead to stress, while too little to depression.
Beta: concentration and learning. In our society, most of us experience
these waves for the majority of the time. These waves are used to focus on what
is going on right now and is great for reading and socializing. They put you in
an alert state. There is a downside to beta waves. They drain your energy and
creativity. Too much beta
can lead to anxiety, while not enough to poor cognition.
Alpha: relaxation. Alpha brainwaves are used to daydream, wind down after
a long day with a book, and any relaxing activities including many meditations.
If you are
unable to relax and shift from beta to alpha at the end of the day, you may be
experiencing “alpha blocking” phenomenon which leads to insomnia, anxiety, and
other emotional distress. Too much alpha
wave activity can lead to an inability to focus due to constant daydreaming,
while not enough can cause insomnia.
Theta: dreaming and flow states. These waves are used for sleeping and
are linked to a dream state. If you are sleeping and dreaming, your brain is in
the theta state. This state is linked to vivid imagery and intuition—you can
use it to access messages from your spirit guides.
Too much theta
wave activity is associated with being impulsive and unbalanced, while not
enough can lead to a poor ability to process emotions.
Delta (shortest frequency): deep sleep. Unlike theta, delta waves
do not allow you to dream, instead, they promote deep, healing sleep. This
state can be achieved in a deep, transcendental meditation.
It is also
associated with a hypnotic state while being awake that leads to great
performance—being on autopilot. This hypnotic state can induce random sparks of
creativity and insightful ideas. Because the brain is working on autopilot, it
has a chance to create. Too much delta
wave activity can lead to learning problems, and not enough to poor sleep and
inability to gain energy.
How to use
Binaural beats?
Now that you know about
how each of the five brainwaves work you can biohack them at will with the help
of binaural beats. To make the most out of this emerging soundwave therapy, you
will need to consider the following (besides the headphones):
- Set up a time: 15-30 minutes of listening time.
- Repeat for 21 days: just like working out to become fitter, the best results are achieved through continual practice.
- Find a quiet and relaxing place to listen.
- Stay patient/enjoy the experiment.
- Set up a time: 15-30 minutes of listening time.
- Repeat for 21 days: just like working out to become fitter, the best results are achieved through continual practice.
- Find a quiet and relaxing place to listen.
- Stay patient/enjoy the experiment.
While binaural
beats, as is scientifically backed helps in biohacking your brainwaves, you
need to be aware that personal development is not limited to this therapy.
Please avoid
using binaural beats if you have hearing problems or other issues such
as epilepsy, pregnancy. Consult with your doctor or any other qualified
professional to check whether binaural beats therapy is right you.
3. It is absolutely
NOT recommended to use binaural beats therapy while undertaking tasks requiring
your full alertness and attention, such as driving.
Why does it matter?
Here is a brief list of scientifically proved benefits of using binaural beats:
- Reduced levels of cortisol of up to 70 to 80%. Cortisol is a hormone commonly associated with stress. High levels of cortisol can lead to anxiety, depression and other malfunctions of the body.
Here is a brief list of scientifically proved benefits of using binaural beats:
- Reduced levels of cortisol of up to 70 to 80%. Cortisol is a hormone commonly associated with stress. High levels of cortisol can lead to anxiety, depression and other malfunctions of the body.
- Increased
levels of DHEA. DHEA affects the aging process of a person; high levels of this
hormone strengths the immune system.
- Increased
levels of melatonin of up to 97.77%. Melatonin plays a role in restful sleep.
- Improved
psychomotor performance and mood.
- Increased
focus and concentration.
- Increased
- Deeper
Where can I find binaural beats?
can find binaural beats music for free online on youtube. There is also this cool website which I discovered recently. Check it out:
Et voilĂ .
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