Biohacking with Binaural Beats Therapy

Yes, I am a huge proponent of this groundbreaking soundwave therapy, as I have tried it myself a couple of times to treat insomnia when it struck. Every single time it worked like magic. Binaural beats is to be auditorily consumed for different purposes and preferably—for efficacy—with stereo headphones. What is binaural beats therapy and how does it work? The reason why you will need headphones is because the main trick of binaural beats is that it sends two different frequencies (sounds), one to each ear, which the brain then detects phase differences between these signals, producing a sensation of a third “beat”. The word binaural means "having or relating to two ears." The binaural beat is perceived as a fluctuation rhythm at the frequency of the difference between the two auditory inputs. For example, if the right ear detects a tone at 200 Hz and the left at 210 Hz, the binaural beat heard is the difference between the two frequencies — 10 Hz. For this to w...